THE MISSION: Building youth into the next generation of future leaders in their community.

Welcome to Bloom Project, Inc.

The Bloom Project, Inc is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that offers group mentoring, college preparation, service learning, character development, and career exploration opportunities. We currently serve in Indianapolis and Ft. Wayne, Indiana. It is our mission to prepare young males, ages 12 – 18, for secondary education and their knowledge within a career pathway. Bloom Project was established and founded by Arnetta Scruggs, Executive Director, in honor of her late grandfather Ezell “Bloom” Stephens. The motivation of Bloom Project, Inc. is to continue the family's legacy in helping others. Bloom Project, Inc. organization offers four established programs; the annual Kings Feast Symposium, monthly mentoring workshops, Project King; Royal MENtality college and career readiness program; and Community Partnerships .


A Glimpse Into the Kings Court

Become A KING

Project King is a monthly leadership development and college preparation program for minorities aged 12-18. This program helps develop youth leadership potential, academic and career opportunities while developing a pathway to success. The King’s will attend character building workshops, college preparation workshops, service-learning projects, career exploration and social events.

Be a Mentor

Become A Mentor

Our mentorship program offers monthly workshops for our Kings. We are looking for professionals who would like to become a mentor and help us in facilitating our efforts aimed at creating successful young men. If you are interested and want information, please click the link below and fill out the application.


Sow A Seed

Bloom Project, Inc is a grassroots, non-profit organization. Your contributions are vital to effectively carrying out our mission and positively impacting hundreds of young men that we reach every day. We thank you and greatly appreciate your interest in making a contribution.

Royal Rounds

Learn about what Bloom Project Inc. and our Kings are doing to better the community and make a difference where we live.

Being good enough is not good enough. Mediocrity is the enemy of excellence!

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