Bloom project is another home for me

Bloom project is another home for me. All the members and mentors seem to just never give up.  Bloom is a place that I genuinely look forward to.  Bloom is somewhere where I can just be me. I’ve gotten so comfortable with the members and mentors that I could come and talk to them about anything, and on multiple occasions I have.  My first ever encounter with bloom about 3-4 years ago was rough personally, as I was more on the shy side.  But as I found people in bloom that had the same interests and hobbies it was easy to connect with them, and step out of my comfort zone a little.  I would say Bloom Project helped me through my teenage years drastically, mentally, and physically, and till this day 3-4 years later some of my best friends I met through the bloom project. The experiences Bloom Project gives you are like no other program I’ve been in.  Bloom helped my find interest in college through college visits, Bloom helped me get over personal challenges through the meetings and mentorship talks, I don’t think I would be where I am now without Bloom Project

- King Makai


King Caden | The best part of Bloom


Jerry S. | Feeling like I couldn’t accomplish public speaking